History of MongoDB

Athraja Vibhu Jayawardane
3 min readMay 14, 2022

Young graduates like Eliot Horowitz, Dwight Merriman, and Kevin Ryan had just finished up their ad-technology startup began by Google and were looking for their upcoming life-changing project in 2007. The technology is vastly growing on large scales, and these three found themselves exceptionally close to the epicenter of development in web programming that would lead to the rise of frameworks for productive application making on the web.

As they began to develop stack applications, they started to come up with what most developers were adequately struggling with. Web developers used relational databases as their solution for the storage problem. Relational databases were too naïve enough to handle complex applications that will take over the world. Also, they were not well-equipped to handle the horizontal scale that they viewed as a prerequisite to developing applications for the modern-day web.

Our web dev team named themselves 10gen and started gathering frustrations of developers all over the world and they were directed at the paradigm of vertical scale that had been popularized by commercial relational databases like Oracle, in which resources are thrown at a single instance of that database to add incremental bandwidth. The 10gen team discovered that if their platform were moving well enough to handle the drawbacks, it would need a database that scaled itself horizontally. This is a challenging task since relational databases were the de-facto solution to run web applications and building a horizontal database is extremely hard to imagine.

So, they decided to build MongoDB: a horizontally scalable NoSQL database that would run at the core of the 10gen platform. NoSQL means Not Only SQL.

Mongo founder Eliot Horowitz remarks as follows.

“MongoDB was born out of our frustration using tabular databases in large, complex production deployments. We set out to build a database that we would want to use so that whenever developers wanted to build an application, they could focus on the application, not on working around the database.”

Immediately, the market responded and gave them indicators that they were not the only ones experiencing this problem which is, in 2008 they open-sourced MongoDB and began focusing all their energy on the maintenance, development, and support of the project.

The Rebranding began in 2013, 10gen had started to proceed into a new collection of subscription products and offered a few additional features alongside their existing support, services, and training offerings. Respectively, they have launched Enterprise, Monitoring package, and Backup service.

Enterprise: A semi-abstract offering that seemed to be a separate MongoDB distribution with some enterprise-specific features. Which were, the enterprise distribution included Kerberos integration, an on-prem monitoring service, SNMP support, and additional testing.

Monitoring: A free cloud-based service for checking MongoDB deployments from a centralized SaaS control plane. This was the beginning of what would later become Mongo Cloud Manager.

Backup service: A cloud service for backing up and restoring MongoDB.

Mongo had simplified the packaging of its offerings drastically. While the services they offered still looked resemble their predecessors, therefore, they received a product marketing facelift in 2015.

MongoDB Enterprise Advanced: An abstract set of products and services that will assist to give an additional layer of security and help run mongo on demand.

MMS: MMS is a cloud service that makes it convenient for anyone who wishes to provision, overlook, backup, and scale MongoDB on the infrastructure by choice.

Eliot Horowitz put out a press release announcing the ever-long MongoDB Atlas. The simplest, most robust, and cost-effective term to use is MongoDB in the cloud.

Developers investigated the simplicity of a fully managed SaaS offering with the security and latency-eliminating glory of an on-prem deployment. Atlas allows you to spin up a MongoDB server with a click of a button that peers to your VPC and runs in the same region and cloud as your data. Furthermore, because it’s software that is run, managed, and administered by the Mongo team, they’re able to automate a lot of the operational nightmares associated with deploying and scaling a database; tasks such as database configuration, infrastructural provisioning, patches, scaling events, and backups are taken care of out-of-the-box.

Mongo Atlas provided a useful hybrid of SaaS and PaaS/IaaS. Users could now get the simplicity of a SaaS offering with the security of a VPC-deployed software.

This would provide a convenient entry point for Mongo users to start running Mongo in production systems and fuel a ready-made product market strategy that emphasized self-service and bottoms-up adoption.

