A brief insight on Application Frameworks.

Athraja Vibhu Jayawardane
3 min readFeb 26, 2022

An application framework can be described as, a software library that delivers a necessary configuration to support the development of applications for a particular environment. An application framework performs as the emaciated assistance to develop an application.

The pre-existing classes in a program can be used to develop real-world applications more easily while implementing the framework by using object-oriented techniques. Application frameworks usually provide less development effort when it comes to creating GUI interfaces. Pre-defined and well-structured codes proved to be beneficial for developers.

The componentization of the framework allows users to use it in a piece-by-piece fashion. This ends up in better allocation of developers based on their experience, lack of errors, and reduced cost of building.

Another advantage is, the code reusability helps developers to enhance the codes and polish them further, which increases quality. To implement hands-on business requirements, extensibility for customization can be helpful.

Simplicity is reached by the encapsulation feature; hence it helps to control accessible components and give security. Convenient to maintain codes since they are all centralized in a single location.

In addition to the code itself, the predefined interactions between various classes will form a template to reduce the additional development effort. This enhances rapid application development and uses for a better beginning for software development.

A quick look at JavaScript frameworks

In the universe of modern front-end web development, JavaScript frameworks are an essential part. JavaScript frameworks will provide developers with tried and already tested tools for building scalable and interactive web applications. Many of the present companies exist, use frameworks as a standard part of their web development criteria. Many front-end developer jobs require framework hands-on experience.

JavaScript frameworks power much of the impressive software on the modern web, including many websites that most of the world witnesses today. MDN web docs, which lots of blog sites use the React/ReactDOM framework to power its front-end.

As there are many frameworks that function, the usual “Big Four” comes in handy.

Ember — Initialized in December 2011 as a progression of work that began in the project SproutCore. Although it is an old framework that has fewer developers using it rather than modern alternatives, a fair amount of people still enjoy it due to its stability and community support.

Angular — An open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google. It was a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS. It was officially released on 14th December 2016. This component-based framework uses declarative HTML templates. To the developers, the compiler translates the templates to optimize JavaScript instructions.

Vue — Vue was released in 2014 by Evan You, after working on and learning from the initial AngularJS project. Despite being the most recent one, Vue was enjoyed by many developers in the modern era. Like Angular, it extends HTML with its unique code structure.

React — Facebook released React back in 2013. React was exceptional from other frameworks since it is technically not a framework but a library for rendering UI components. It is used in allocation with other libraries to make applications. React and React Native enables developers to make mobile applications. ReactDOM has used web development. Because of the use of ReactDOM, it was colloquially understood as a JavaScript framework. React extends JavaScript with HTML-like syntax called JSX.

